Posted on 6/5/2014
Editor’s Note: Safety Group Program Monthly Newsletter Article – June 2014 Contact: Mindy Carrothers (303.361.4790, [email protected]) The Importance of Effective Safety Training Effective safety training is one of the most important elements of your safety program. Without it, your employees can learn behaviors that keep them from performing their jobs correctly. Conducting effective safety training means that your employees are trained to do their job in the correct way, which means the safe way. There are many benefits to providing effective safety training to your workforce. It creates a culture of safety within your organization which helps to establish desired behaviors and attitudes, teaches proper work practices, encourages safe behaviors while maintaining efficiency and productivity, reinforces these behaviors over time and works to eliminate preventable and costly accidents. When employees have the right materials a ... read more
Posted on 11/8/2013

Dear Industry Leaders, In advance, your help and participation is greatly appreciated! FinishMaster Colorado has collectively and graciously taken on the role of providing a good deed to those most in need; the children of those families affected by the devastating floods here in Colorado. Please read the below explanation of our Colorado Community Toy Drive in collaboration with A Precious Child, Inc. It will take place the week of November 11th through Friday the 15th. Your participation in collecting new toys for those children is a very special, noble and admirable deed. Please spread the word, involve your employees, pass along the flyer, collect lots of toys and call us for a pick up at your location. By partnering with A Precious Child, Inc., who will be distributing the toys on our behalf, we'll be spreading some much needed cheer, joy and hope for those in need. Again thank you for your kindness and involvement. Most sincerely ... read more
Posted on 9/11/2012
ASRW PRESS CONTACT: Shelby Hausler 888-529-1641 / 972-536-6318 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ASRW Announces Launch of The Auto Body Repairers Assembly New, complimentary event exclusively for collision repairers Dallas/Sept. 10, 2012 – Automotive Service & Repair Week (ASRW) is pleased to announce a new special event to be launched in New Orleans – Auto Body Repairers Assembly. The Auto Body Repairers Assembly is limited strictly to qualified collision repairers and will take place Wednesday, Oct. 10, from 4:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. at the Morial Convention Center. Admission is complimentary for repair professionals, and registration is available online for the event ... read more
Posted on 8/6/2012
Contact: Toni Slaton (800) 272-7467, ext. 129 [email protected]www.amionline.orgFor Release: News Bulletin AMI-8 August 2, 2012 AMI Accepting Applications for Six Scholarships Hurry - Application Deadline is Aug. 24 Bedford, Texas, August 2, 2012 — The Automotive Management Institute (AMI) is accepting applications for the following six scholarships to be awarded this year: the Emil Stanley Merit Award, the BodyShop Business Magazine Scholarship, the Gale Westerlund/Richard Cossette Memorial Scholarship, the Tom B. Babcox Memorial Scholarship, the Automotive Video Inc. (AVI) Educational Scholarship and the Zurich “High Octane” Scholarship. Three scholarships help pay expenses for recipients to attend the 2012 International Autobody Congress & Exposition (NACE) in New ... read more
Posted on 8/6/2012

Thank you for the support, ACDelco! We are excited to announce ACDelco will be a SPONSOR at the Jan 26, 2013 Symposium. **Read this great write up on Rick Burgard, ACDelco, who is confirmed to teach a course on the latest in new automotive technology; covering hybrid service concerns, new HVAC features, clutch less compressors government regulations, the latest’s in GM LAN communication, new Scan tool interface, & advanced propulsion Technology Registration will open soon – mark your calendar
Posted on 7/31/2012
SUPPORT US AS A SPONSOR Automotive Service Association of Colorado of Colorado, an organization dedicated to the independent automotive industry in Colorado, is in the planning stages of its annual Independent Automotive Professionals Symposium - Jan 26, 2013 at Denver West Marriott, Golden CO. In the past the success of our event has largely been due to the contributions of our sponsors who have gone out of their way to lend financial and word of mouth support – Efforts resulted in a sold out 2012 Symposium! We have several different packages for sponsorship. *Contact [email protected] or 303-202-5231 to get a event sponsorship packet sent to you. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, ASA Colorado Board of Directors
Posted on 6/13/2012
ASA Calls on State Farm to Prove Benefit of Pilot Program from Repairer Perspective COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS, June 12, 2012 – On May 31, the Automotive Service Association released the facts gathered by the ASA Collision Division Operations Committee relating to the State Farm electronic parts ordering pilot program. The committee has held numerous meetings and conference calls on this issue. Since the release of this information, ASA has continued to represent repairers on this important issue and is working directly with all parties involved to do everything possible on behalf of its members. ASA has released its findings and points of concern based on its research. Research to date has included interviews with State Farm, PartsTrader and collision repairers – those who participate in direct repair program agreements (including some who are currently participating in the pilot of this application), and those who don’t participate in DRPs. ASA members across the nat ... read more
Posted on 5/25/2012

Making Colorado a Safer Place to Work: Pinnacol's Risk Management Symposiums For the third consecutive year, Pinnacol is hosting our Risk Management Symposium. This training is free to Pinnacol policyholders, and will be presented in two locations: Denver: June 20 and 21, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities Grand Junction: June 27, Two Rivers Convention Center
Posted on 5/24/2012
COLORADO MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR ACT (MVRA) A Plain English Guide to C.R.S. 42-9-101 Amended effective May 21, 1997 A Service of ASA-Colorado Note: This is intended to be a simple digest of the Act, as amended May 21, 1997. Please refer to the actual language of the law (C.R.S. 42-9-101) when needed. The MVRA does not apply to : Trucks over 8,500 Farm Vehicles Motorcycles Antique cars (25 + years old) Collector's items WRITTEN CONSENT AND ESTIMATE NO repairs can be made to a vehicle without the written consent of the owner which includes an estimate of repairs. The estimate MUST include: total cost of repairs (excluding sales tax and towing charges) completion date whether customer wants replaced parts returned cost of reassembly (if the customer chooses not to have the work done) and replacement of parts destroyed in ... read more