Posted on 3/30/2011
Dear Collision Industry Professional: "Here, sir, the people govern." —Alexander HamiltonThis is one of the many inscriptions found in the corridors of the U.S. Capitol building. ASA’s “Taking The Hill” Day is your opportunity to govern by meeting with your state legislators and representatives on Capitol Hill. Held on the final day of ASA’s annual business meeting (May 9-11), ASA’s day on Capitol Hill gives us a chance to talk specifically about the issues affecting your business. “Taking the Hill” Day will address key issues facing collision repairers such as federal insurance reform; vehicle disclosure legislation and crash parts; and the EPA’s implementation of the automotive refinishing regulation. Realizing there are many issues at stake, I hope you will join me in Washington, D.C., May 11 to seize the opportunity to make your opinions known on these issues. Last year, I had the privi ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2011
The ASA Colorado Education Committee invites you to take a look inside our education offerings. *Filmed at KEYS (KEEP EDUCATING YOURSELF AND STAFF), Oct 23, 2010 *Thank you to Pickens Technical College. Their Automotive Dept. not only hosted this event, but donated the footage used to create this video
Posted on 1/25/2011

“REV IT UP” Annual Expo with ASACO, Automotive Service Association of Colorado, and CAR, Colorado Automotive Recyclers, was held on Jan 22, 2011! This year we teamed up with CAR to offer our membership a multifaceted event, including: Keynote Speaker: President of Bandimere Speedway, ColoradoJohn C. Bandimere JrTraining Presentation Faclitated by: Ready2ACTAsking customers the RIGHT questions?”ROUNDTABLE Topics: Connecting Social Media to your Website facilitated by Todd Westerlund, Demandforce Labor Law facilitated by Michelle Magruder of Nemecheck & Magruder, LLC Abandoned Vehicles facilitated by Dennis Brewster of Extreme Automotive, Parker CO CAR and ASA Collision Division: Rating Recycled Parts CAR and ASA Mechanical Division: Consider using Recycled Parts CAR: Electronic Yard Management ...and,of course, our expo hall was filled with top notch ... read more