After By-Law Changes, ASA National Seats New Board - Dallas, Texas
The Automotive Service Association announced its new board of directors, which was sworn in during the association’s annual business meeting May 7-8.
Ron Nagy of Nagy’s Collision Centers in Orville, Ohio, remains chairman of ASA’s board of directors for 2012-13. Nagy initially assumed the chairman’s post at the conclusion of the 2011 annual business meeting.
Due to a reorganization of the association’s structure and governance, the positions of the board chairman and chairman-elect will now be two-year terms. The board voted and ratified these changes to the bylaws during the annual business meeting.
Jerry Burns of Automotive Impressions Inc. inRio Rancho, N.M., remains as immediate past chairman for one more year. Darrell Amberson, Lehman’s Garage, Bloomington, Minn., also maintains his position as chairman-elect for one year.
Roy Schnepper of Butler’s Collision Inc. in Roseville, Mich., was elected secretary/treasurer. This position is a one-year term with the possibility of serving a second consecutive one-year term. All other elected officers going forward will serve two-year terms under the new bylaws.
Serving as general directors are Gary Keyes, E&M Motors Inc., Stuart, Fla.; Donny Seyfer, Seyfer Automotive Inc., Wheat Ridge, Colo.; and Bob Wills, Wills Auto Service, Battle Creek, Mich. Serving as affiliate directors are Joel Baxter, B&B Auto and Truck Repair, Bremerton, Wash.; and Mark Gurnsey, Accountable Auto Care Inc., Broomfield, Colo.
The final two board positions are held by ASA’s Collision Division and Mechanical Division directors: Dan Stander, Fix Auto Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Colo. (Collision Division); and Bill Moss, Ferris EuroService Automotive Inc., Warrenton, Va. (Mechanical Division).
Source: Tire Review